About this Website.

I am an adult American male on a Medicare HMO plan. Among other professional positions I have been a quality systems analyst and executive, hold a master’s degree in public policy research and evaluation, and have worked many years in government-regulated industry.

I have malignant prostate cancer, which was detected in January of this year. Nearly six months later, I had yet to be seen by an oncologist. The referral to the cancer specialist was made by my urologist at the end of June. Read my cancer blog.

Along this journey I have identified several factors in my diagnosis and treatment that could be improved, and if applied on a national scale could save money and lives. Digging down to root causes to identify potential improvements in areas such as protocols and standards, technology and innovation, costs, payments, profit motive and quality care.

Unfortunately, the national healthcare debate is dominated by power interests at the highest levels on both sides – industries and politicians. And those two behemoths will only see the issues from their high-level parochial perspectives and never meet in agreement on a comprehensive and productive solution.

So, I will publish thoughts and lessons from my perspective as a Medicare patient. From the front lines. To present information from all sides of the healthcare debate, in the light of personal experience.

And I hope to hear from others who can provide helpful information to shine light on these topics as well.