A Personal Prostate Cancer Blog.

My Prostate Cancer Blog.

I am on a Medicare HMO plan that is administered by a major US private insurance provider. And I have malignant prostate cancer, which was detected in January of this year, growing inside of me.

This is my personal blog as a cancer patient and as I experience and analyze the care I receive, or do not receive. So far my urological and oncology care have been exceptional, world class.

In addition to personal observations I hope to utilize my professional skills as a quality systems expert and process analyst to highlight good practices and recommend improvements that could have positive impacts on outcomes for various aspects of the US healthcare system.

If you have questions or comments, would like to share your experience or otherwise contribute to the website, please let me know

Exercising for My Life

  Facing some serious side effects from prostate cancer hormone therapy, two weeks ahead of my Lupron androgen suppression therapy (ADT) injection I began to exercise regularly. And eat less, with better nutrition. In those two weeks I have lost six pounds and my...

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PSA – Prostate-Specific Antigen

Please note: this post was written by a non-medical professional and in no way should be construed as medical guidance or advice. Read the website disclaimer.    Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein (okay, a glycoprotein enzyme) that is produced by...

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Why I Refused Hormone Therapy

Please note: this post represents the opinion of the writer and in no way should be construed as medical guidance or advice. Read the website disclaimer.  In the last appointment with my urologist before he referred me to an oncologist, he recommended that I begin a...

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My Prostate Cancer Treatment Chronology

Following is a chronological listing of my prostate cancer experience, to include visits with physicians, treatment and test results. The initial indication that I may have prostate cancer came from a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test in January 2019. I was...

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Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Hormone therapy, also known as androgen suppression or androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), is basically a form of physical or chemical castration that dramatically lowers androgens in the body. Androgens are male hormones (testosterone and its byproduct...

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